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Registrato: 2020-04-16 20:22
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Puzzle (3) Trova nel catalogo

Rompicapo (4) Trova nel catalogo

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yukka 7
! /forum/puzzle/28   2020-04-30 15:51
@Support. Have an hour trying to create the easiest puzzle for 4 year old children. Choose the size 3x3, in result I get just one picture without any parts (see Annex). Tried to look for the answer on the forum: we need to re-read a few dozen pages. Tried search search - is even worse. How to make a simple puzzle for the kids?

Mi piace + 1     5
Tane4ka 50 Solver Rank  2020-04-30 15:00 + 2
If you find a puzzle, the original of which will be uploaded a square picture or photo, the new version of the smallest size will be 3x3. Checked just now, downloading a picture "for themselves". So You can do this too - load "for themselves" any square pictures that, in Your opinion, will be of interest to the child. But it seems to me that 4x3 - fairly easy size for the kids, my 3 year old granddaughter are safely collected. And in the catalog we have many interesting and beautiful pictures for kids.
Sakara 47 Solver Rank  2020-04-30 15:06 + 1
Выбираете нужный пазл, жмёте "Выбрать размер и тип пазла":

Затем выбираете нужный размер и очертания, жмёте "Играть":

Вот Ваш пазл в размере 3х3:

Только такие картинки не подходят для каталога, т. к. здесь очень много однотонного фона, что не подходит для создания головоломок.
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