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Owen Lorion @OwenKL

USA, Registrato: 2015-05-11 11:00
Ultima voce: 2020-06-06 07:20   Rank: 30 21.3%  
2020-03-24 15:29
The glitch is that I can't delete my previous dumb comment. :'(

Mi piace + 1     1
ogurez63  2020-03-24 15:29 + 2
The challenge of course is interesting,although usually the solution does not start with the Shah.
2020-03-18 18:56
Is this a glitch? I won, but only because black made a stupid move and didn't take my rook.

Это глюк? Я выиграл, но только потому, что черный сделал глупую шаг и не принять мою ладью.

Mi piace + 2     1
vova23rus Solver Rank  2020-03-18 18:56 + 2
no,of course, if the rook is not taken,then 1.Qd7+ Kh8 2.Qh7#
! /mosaic/id9221   2019-05-31 21:24
A centipede? A comb?

Mi piace + 2     1
qqq Solver Rank  2019-05-31 21:24 + 0
toothbrush, imho
2019-01-17 12:10
Title: Cockerel.
Across, find one or two, down, find one or two, back and forth. A slog, but doable.

Через, найти один или два, вниз, найти один или два, назад и вперед. Утомительной, но выполнимо.

Mi piace + 2     2
VicNep  2017-10-04 05:06 + 0
По горизонтали и по вертикали, а не через и вниз. Насколько же дурные роботы-переводчики!
nettaly  2019-01-17 12:10 + 0
Хэх, вы думаете, живые люди так не лажают? ignat
2018-10-26 15:07
Title: Frog
Don't know if it's a copy of some cartoon character I've never seen, or just this author's imagination.

Не знаю, если это копия какого-либо мультипликационного персонажа я никогда не видел, или просто в этом воображении автора.

Mi piace + 2     1
DWARF  2018-10-26 15:07 + 0
! /filippinskie/id1576   2018-06-22 14:24
Is it a puppy or bear cub? Cute either way.

Mi piace + 2     1
nuttyn Solver Rank  2018-06-22 14:24 + 0
It is a bear)))
! /mosaic/id8628   2018-02-02 00:38
Dinosaur? ?

Mi piace + 1     1
Marelyn Solver Rank  2018-02-02 00:38 + 1
Dino Run.
! /mosaic/id7538   2018-01-31 00:58
What is it? Scary clown face? :-o

Mi piace + 1     1
Marelyn Solver Rank  2018-01-31 00:58 + 1
paw print
you goof!
! /mosaic/id8878   2018-01-19 04:07
A mountain reflected in a quiet lake? A hamburger? A black cat wearing a ninja mask? lipstick imprint? Flying saucer?

Mi piace + 1     1
Marelyn Solver Rank  2018-01-19 04:07 + 1
I'm thinking lips.
! /belcross/id14857   2017-10-26 21:41
I give up. The puzzle I got okay, but what is it a picture of?

Mi piace + 2     1
Memo  2017-10-26 21:41 + 1
I think it's iron
! /belcross/id14932   2017-10-15 09:57
Okay, now I get it. But what is it?

Mi piace + 3     1
Memo  2017-10-15 09:57 + 1
! /mosaic/id7594   2017-05-31 19:51
Terrier or german shepherd? Sun or toy ball in upper-right? Doesn't really matter.

Mi piace + 1     1
K_Orl  2017-05-31 19:51 + 1
this is a butterfly at the up right ;)
! /mosaic/id8964   2017-05-01 00:09
What is it? A Chinese character?

Mi piace + 1     2
nettaly  2017-04-30 23:22 + 1
Yes - this hieroglyph is based on the:

Thank you, @Sakara! rose
Sakara Solver Rank  2017-05-01 00:09 + 0
! /mosaic/id7701   2017-04-23 15:36
Cossack shepherd, I suspect from some Russian story this American is unfamiliar with.

Mi piace + 1     1
nettaly  2017-04-23 15:36 + 0
Not from some particular story, but quite popular character anyway.
! /mosaic/id8741   2017-04-22 16:48
Some cartoon cat?

Mi piace + 1     2
Simara  2017-04-22 16:05 + 3
It's robotic cat named Doraemon from japanese cartoon;)
nettaly  2017-04-22 16:48 + 1
Thank you, @Simara! rose
! /mosaic/id8630   2017-04-19 11:23
This hard-hearted puzzle won't let me close out! When I try just to save, I get error messasa "Error!select id, timer, solved,TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,lastdate,current_timestamp)as td from saveagmove where agmove_id=8630 and users_id=26216"

Mi piace + 3     4
nettaly  2017-04-18 20:25 + 1
I've reported about the error on the forum - we will see a result.
olenenok Solver Rank  2017-04-18 21:12 + 1
Я решила эту мозаику только что , у меня все нормально, нет никаких проблем.
Mostra tutti i commenti
! /mosaic/id8290   2017-04-15 21:29
Abe Lincoln?!

Mi piace + 2     1
nettaly  2017-04-15 21:29 + 2
The site has a nonogram with his portrait:
! /mosaic/id8242   2017-04-13 07:38
Problem: I've completed this twice already, but the check button still says it's not finished!

Mi piace + 1     3
nettaly  2017-04-09 22:57 + 0
I've reported about the problem on our forum - we will see a result.
Memo  2017-04-10 04:39 + 2
I will check it
OwenKL  2017-04-13 07:38 + 0
Okay now -- thank you!
! /mosaic/id8422   2017-04-11 15:24
It's so tiresome to always have to ask, but -- What is it?

Mi piace + 2     2
Gerannika  2017-04-11 14:33 + 3
nettaly  2017-04-11 15:24 + 0
Thank you, @Gerannika! rose
! /mosaic/id7304   2017-04-10 22:15
A tisket, a tasket, I've got a...

Mi piace + 1     1
nettaly  2017-04-10 22:15 + 0
...this one? :)
! /mosaic/id7309   2017-04-10 10:14
He's praying, so he must be a church mouse!

Mi piace + 2     1
nettaly  2017-04-10 10:14 + 1
! /mosaic/id8390   2017-04-09 22:55
Qkay, now: What is it?

Mi piace + 1     2
olenenok Solver Rank  2017-04-09 20:18 + 2
nettaly  2017-04-09 22:55 + 0
Thank you, @olenenok! rose
! /mosaic/id7727   2017-04-08 14:38
In the sand...

Mi piace + 3     1
mikars Solver Rank  2017-04-08 14:38 + 0
Fryday ?!
! /mosaic/id8168   2017-04-08 14:37
Dancers. tantsi so zvyozdami

Mi piace + 2     1
nettaly  2017-04-08 14:37 + 0
tantsi so zvyozdami = Dancing with the stars
! /mosaic/id8225   2017-04-05 11:32
Who is that masked man?
Hockey player

Mi piace + 3     1
2501  2017-04-05 11:32 + 0
:D Провел силовой прием, один уже повержен, лежит вверх коньками. :D
! /mosaic/id8254   2017-04-05 11:28
Broken neck tears

Mi piace + 1     1
2501  2017-04-05 11:28 + 0
! /nonograms/picross/giatsint   2017-04-04 00:35
What is it? A flower growing out of dirt in a pot? That's what it looks like when I make it very tiny.

Mi piace + 1     1
nettaly  2017-04-04 00:35 + 1
Yes, you are right :)
! /mosaic/id7821   2017-04-02 13:53
What is it?

Mi piace + 1     1
Gerannika  2017-04-02 13:53 + 0
! /mosaic/id8090   2017-04-02 13:42
Who is this cartoon animal?

Mi piace + 1     1
Gerannika  2017-04-02 13:42 + 1
Even without knowing what Retrozor is, I can tell it's a bovine.
Looked it up, and RetroZor is a Russian videogame platform, right?

Mi piace + 2     1
nettaly  2017-04-01 23:31 + 0
Almost. As far as I've googled Ретрозор is a digest of old video games.
Se trovi una traduzione imprecisa o errata degli elementi dell'interfaccia del sito, segnalaci: @GrandGames
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