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Registrato: 2018-07-23 08:06
Ultima voce: 2022-02-28 03:54   Rank: 67 10.3%  
! /lenta   2020-05-09 21:08
I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I don't use ad blockers and don't know the reason why I have not displayed. Not so long ago you asked permission to use my cookies, I gave it and advertising to be displayed. So I'm confused, what again is wrong and what is the cause of the problem... and I don't know how to solve it... please advise

Mi piace + 3     7
Ioanna  2020-05-09 20:48 + 2
I also periodically POPs up a message about blocking. Just continue to play gamer
cassiopeia23  2020-05-09 20:53 + 3
The catch is that I'm allowed to play, but crafting I deprive plach
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