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Torneo #4417 «Fragment Week»

Супер турнир по головоломке "Найди фрагмент". Проходит в последнюю неделю каждого месяца с понедельника по субботу.
Ora del server: 2025-03-28 23:28
TorneoMontepremiValutazione Inizio registrazione Inizio torneoGiroContributoMinuti per il tour Membri
#4417 Indovina il frammento Fragment Weekclassic Montepremi63   +2 ∞ R23.05 03:4025.05 08:20 15/1531500 (480)21 / 30
GiocatoreI (28.12 09:00-28.12 09:08) #112474II (28.12 09:05-28.12 09:13) #112502III (28.12 09:10-28.12 09:18) #112535IV (28.12 09:15-28.12 09:23) #112629V (28.12 09:20-28.12 09:28) #112654HandicapOcchialiPosizionePremio
1407 mikl 2025-03-28 20:12:550 (-)0 (-)0 (-)4 (02:34)0 (-)14187
1697 B8831388 2021-12-17 01:42:020 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)669
1924 Game 2025-03-26 20:31:546 (01:25)10 (02:23)9 (01:35)9 (01:22)8 (00:45)0422
1464 plyushka 2022-11-26 23:10:040 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)12128
1613 asvoron_gg 2024-05-22 23:32:038 (01:15)6 (07:29)6 (02:43)7 (01:52)5 (00:58)8403
1575 Lena2020 2021-05-13 10:22:035 (01:29)0 (-)4 (06:27)5 (02:00)6 (00:48)10306
1768 katerinafm 2020-12-29 11:32:589 (01:02)0 (-)8 (02:16)8 (01:34)9 (00:32)2365
1739 Lysva 2021-10-08 14:41:317 (01:24)8 (05:28)7 (02:21)6 (01:55)7 (00:47)4394
1236 tetra 2025-03-15 00:53:484 (01:41)7 (06:46)5 (03:09)3 (05:41)4 (01:13)16394
2023 mostanina 2021-10-09 17:06:1110 (00:59)9 (02:57)10 (01:30)10 (01:16)10 (00:30)0491

Giochi attivi

tetra Solver Rank
2020-05-29 16:55
Disgusting picture in the 12th round. Little added transparent piece, so still very picture heavy, each new four fragments loaded for half a minute. Anyone responsible for the quality of the content selected in the tournaments?

Mi piace + 1     3
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-05-29 17:10 + 2
No. The quality of the pictures shown in the catalog that got there , it turns into a guess the selection. In tournaments goes automatically.
today Solver Rank  2020-05-30 12:17 + 2
Don't understand these jokes with an empty seat. Why is that?
olenenok Solver Rank  2020-05-30 16:29 + 1
This is a bug and technical support website is no longer maintained, I hope temporarily.
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