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Torneo #3249 «Mahjong Saturday»

Субботний турнир по маджонгу. Размер не более 12x12.
Ora del server: 2025-02-21 17:07
TorneoMontepremiValutazione Inizio registrazione Inizio torneoGiroContributoMinuti per il tour Membri
#3249 Mahjong Mahjong Saturdayhandicap Montepremi7   +1 ∞ R28.02 20:3529.02 09:00 5/518 (5)7 / 50
GiocatoreI (05.09 15:00-05.09 15:25) #94198II (05.09 15:12-05.09 15:37) #94214III (05.09 15:24-05.09 15:49) #94226IV (05.09 15:36-05.09 16:01) #94239V (05.09 15:48-05.09 16:13) #94249HandicapOcchialiPosizionePremio
1028 14gul Online0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)004
1787 Aasia 2022-05-27 19:51:074 (03:15)4 (02:36)4 (04:07)3 (04:36)3 (05:21)0181
1545 illyb 2020-01-15 13:09:292 (05:41)2 (04:02)2 (13:46)2 (10:27)0 (-)083
2060 katerinafm 2020-12-29 11:32:583 (03:20)3 (02:43)3 (07:17)4 (03:54)4 (04:16)0172

Giochi attivi

Lena2020 48
2020-02-29 09:00
Good Luck To Everyone!

Mi piace + 3     2
mostanina 46  2020-02-29 09:32 + 3
Congrats on the win!vinnerskripkacvety
Complex tasks, I second round I still do not see the right combination:slezy
thanks to All participants for playing!respektflows
@corsica with a prize drinks
Lena2020 48  2020-02-29 09:33 + 3
mostanina , thank you, You have no handicap firstshari
asvoron_gg 46
2020-02-29 09:30
@Lena2020, congratulations on winning!shari

Mi piace + 4     1
Lena2020 48  2020-02-29 09:31 + 3
asvoron_gg, thank you, fora helped, objectively, I secondhands
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