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Torneo #2988 «Noon Surprize»

Ежедневный обеденный экспреcс-турнир по будням. 3 случайных легких головоломки.
Ora del server: 2025-03-25 04:28
TorneoMontepremiValutazione Inizio registrazione Inizio torneoGiroContributoMinuti per il tour Membri
#2988 Rompicapi Noon Surprizeplayoff Montepremi7   +3 ∞ R14.02 10:5214.02 14:00 3/3110 (10)7 / 8

Giochi attivi

eLLioTT Solver Rank
2020-02-14 13:58
Good luck everybody hands... And may the Picross God poklon be with me...

Mi piace + 3     1
Lena2020  2020-02-14 14:07 + 3
I became interested in drawing Yak and do not have time to register :)
2020-02-14 14:19
Does anyone know what does the number 7 next to the medal?

Mi piace + 3     2
Lena2020  2020-02-14 14:21 + 2
The amount of coins I guess :)
asvoron_gg  2020-02-14 14:22 + 3
Clearly, this prize...
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