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Torneo #2581 «Sudoku Sunday Battle»

Воскресный плей-офф турнир по судоку 9x9
Ora del server: 2025-03-11 12:43
TorneoMontepremiValutazione Inizio registrazione Inizio torneoGiroContributoMinuti per il tour Membri
#2581 Sudoku multiplo Sudoku Sunday Battleplayoff Montepremi10   +3  1600<R08.02 08:5509.02 16:00 3/327 (8)5 / 8

Giochi attivi

bsvbsv 43 Solver Rank
2020-02-08 09:43
And where you can see this your rating? Which to participate in the tournament is assessed?

Mi piace + 2     5
mikl 53 Solver Rank  2020-02-08 09:49 + 2
In the last tournament with Your participation. If you have never participated, the rating will be 1600.
bsvbsv 43 Solver Rank  2020-02-08 10:24 + 1
OK. Here is my latest tournament Tournament #2401 "Sudoku Afternoon". You like stupid - where's my rating?
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bsvbsv 43 Solver Rank
2020-02-08 11:20
Yeah, looks like found is the first unsigned number in front of nick. And how it is considered?

Mi piace + 2     2
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-02-08 11:27 + 1
Here's an explanation: On the calculation of Elo.Рейтинг_Эло
bsvbsv 43 Solver Rank  2020-02-08 12:09 + 2
Yeah, thank you.
Aasia 43
2020-02-08 16:37
Still waiting for that hero that zaregestrirovatsja secondignat and better 3 more heroes!

Mi piace + 3     4
bsvbsv 43 Solver Rank  2020-02-08 17:26 + 4
Well, all the names are known. The first five of his comrades from the tournament MultiSudoku Week.
katerinafm 43  2020-02-08 19:59 + 4
I already wrote on the forum, you need to have all involved!
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katerinafm 43
2020-02-09 16:20
I think random sorting at the beginning of the game was not. Why?

Mi piace + 2     6
bsvbsv 43 Solver Rank  2020-02-09 16:23 + 2
Was. Percy, Aasia and Milena playing with yourselves (incomplete pair). Our couple is left unchanged.
NATAKAPA 56 Solver Rank  2020-02-09 16:26 + 1
Then the players have to stand in a row, like during registration. And here is the scatter. I wonder: where is the Cup in the final.....or is it just me....
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katerinafm 43
2020-02-09 16:24
And the prize no one fell! Where is the plutonium?ignat

Mi piace + 3     3
bsvbsv 43 Solver Rank  2020-02-09 16:26 + 2
Congratulations. And with the prize - Yes. Awkward nozdri
katerinafm 43  2020-02-09 16:31 + 2
The end of the tournament there!good
Percy 53 Solver Rank  2020-02-09 18:12 + 5
I have the Plutonium!yahoo
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