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Torneo #17234 «Weekly Sudoku Killer»

Еженедельный турнир по убийце судоку.
Ora del server: 2025-03-23 03:07
TorneoMontepremiValutazione Inizio registrazione Inizio torneoGiroContributoMinuti per il tour Membri
#17234 Assassino del sudoku Weekly Sudoku Killerclassic Montepremi4100   +2 ∞ R17.06 03:5519.06 08:55 8/83003000 (720)13 / 35
GiocatoreI (22.03 00:00-22.03 00:12) #286785II (22.03 00:08-22.03 00:20) #277704III (22.03 00:16-22.03 00:28) #367738IV (22.03 00:24-22.03 00:36) #280490V (22.03 00:32-22.03 00:44) #248555HandicapOcchialiPosizionePremio
1541 AliciaLial Online0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)0 (-)664
1587 Percy 2025-03-22 23:23:523 (00:45)4 (02:59)3 (00:38)4 (00:52)4 (00:51)4221579
1600 Pixie Online2 (01:15)2 (10:27)2 (00:54)2 (01:22)2 (01:16)2123
1693 Oxania 2025-03-23 03:00:524 (00:42)3 (05:25)4 (00:33)3 (00:58)3 (01:04)0172468

Giochi attivi

vsrawat Solver Rank
2023-06-21 10:30
As early as not even 6 months ago, the site was taking 500 or 1000 point tournament fee and was offering 3 puzzles per day, 15 puzzle per weekly tournament.
Now there are 8 puzzles only, and fees is up 60-30 times to 30000 points.
Fees you can decide but reducing the number of puzzles in not acceptable by us killer sudoku fans.
Remember, at that time, I had written to you that 3 puzzles a day becomes too much time for us working people, so giving 2 per day would suffice. That you had accepted.
Please reinstate to 10 puzzles, and previous timing of 25 hours for each puzzle,

Mi piace + 3     1
GrandGames Admin  2023-06-21 18:56 + 2
The duration of rounds in weekly tournaments has been increased at the request of the players.
You do not have to play right away, the tour is available for several days. Given the increased number of tournaments, 8 is, in our opinion, the optimal number of tours.
If puzzles in tournaments are not enough for you, you can simply solve them in the catalog.
If the competitive moment is important to you, then use the duel mode. It is unlikely that the issue of the size of the contribution is very important for someone, but we will reduce its size in subsequent tournaments. In any case, they all go to prizes for the participants.
Se trovi una traduzione imprecisa o errata degli elementi dell'interfaccia del sito, segnalaci: @GrandGames
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