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# fact.. In Japanese folklore...

nettaly 52
! #447232   2020-09-07 13:45
# facts

In Japanese folklore, there are bakeneko - werewolf cats. They have magical powers, for example - to create ghostly fireballs and revive recently deceased, simply by jumping over the body. True, eating your master can also eat and take on his appearance.

How to define a bananeko? This is a cat that has one of the following characteristics: can walk on its hind legs; lived for more than thirteen years; weighs 1 ch (3.75 kg); drinks lamp oil (it was made from fish oil); has a long (or even forked!) tail.

Mi piace + 10     7
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-09-07 15:56 + 8

zk158 39  2020-09-07 16:22 + 5
The banned cat only lacks boots.
nettaly 52  2020-09-07 16:38 + 4
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-09-07 19:16 + 5

Есть ещё какой-то нэкомата - существо японской мифологии, двухвостый кот-ёкай. В японских и китайских хрониках описываются два вида нэкомата: дикие нэкомата, обитающие в горных местностях, и домашние коты, которые стареют и превращаются в нэкомата

А кроме того, в японской мифологии, есть лисы-кицунэ
и еноты-тануки. Богатая у японцев фантазия, европейцы только до волков-оборотней додумались.
nettaly 52  2020-09-07 22:22 + 6
In their folklore, there is also a tsukumogami - an inanimate object that has gained consciousness from old age or other conditions.
Vovka. 48 Solver Rank  2020-09-08 05:18 + 6
Well, I have tsukumogami too! Sometimes he hides slippers under the sofa - obviously deliberate behavior.

One of the common tsukumogami - bake-zori - an old straw slipper.
nettaly 52  2020-09-09 11:27 + 1
Exactly, exactly! And the socks do not creep in pairs ...
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