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In the Japanese crossword puzzles added frame for...

! #437043   2020-07-07 16:30
In the Japanese crossword puzzles added frame for strikeout numbers. There are ample opportunities to customize its appearance and the possibility of disconnection. Added transparent version of cross numbers, which will be convenient to use in combination with a thick frame.

#of novolisina

Mi piace + 9     4
nettaly  2020-07-07 17:09 + 1
1Shahmatist Solver Rank  2020-07-08 09:15 + 3
Very interesting and practical innovation. But by default this feature is always enabled. Although the token in the field "Frame crossed-out numbers" is not displayed. You can do classics, default is off.
Lena2020  2020-07-08 09:28 + 2
And I haven't tried, but sounds good, thanksporukam
1Shahmatist Solver Rank  2020-07-08 11:53 + 2
Thank you working.
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