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Voce #435508

Usagi_T Solver Rank
! #435508   2020-06-29 20:44
Возможно. эта информация окажется полезной: имя художника переводится как Momoco. Это довольно популярный художник в Японии, на основе его работ (правда, не именно этого арта, а других) даже сделаны фигурки. 
Например, фигурки зеленоволосых девушек от Union Creative International Ltd:

и ещё одна, от Daiki Kougyou (она, кстати, хентайная, впрочем, другое Daiki Kougyou и не делают):

Mi piace + 7     4
nettaly  2020-06-29 22:02 + 1
Thanks for the information, now from the name of the artist you can make a tag applod
I Wonder how the first lady a glass from the tray does not fall? repa
t98743235 Solver Rank  2020-06-29 23:28 + 5
To be honest - I don't consider myself a prude, but periodically you know me personally, all of these ladies (pictures anime) in a negligee, with raised hem, well, that's not like strictly
GingerMartian Solver Rank  2020-06-29 23:40 + 1
@t98743235, it's not from bigotry, I think. Japanese pop culture in all fields infantilizing sexualitywhat women and girls. You can certainly shrug and say, "It's a different culture," but osadochek remains

Please don't.
nettaly  2020-06-29 23:59 + 5
Ladies quite a dressed and are not bothering anyone :) I do Not see these figures, nothing tragic. On the beach, and 50% less dressed you can meet
(if you know what I mean)
. ;)
But that in future no one jumped from the unexpected surprises in the film, offered to publish such an illustration under spoiler (sixth arrow-triangle; inserting a link to the image, highlight it and click spoiler). Business somehow hacker
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