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Sortaus to gravc site

! #419845   2020-04-29 13:52
Sortaus to gravc site.
Dorog grafts,help meni,whether weasel,nauchitsa of pisati quote the spoilers without:
"[/quote]the Axis tsogo[quote]"

[/spoiler]the axle tsogo[spoiler]

Mi piace + 3     7
Vovka. Solver Rank  2020-04-29 14:49 + 4
If fidelity text I once notesnote button "quote", he is guilty of Viti
navti don't know chomu you vihodit on homuwhat
ovawiss  2020-04-29 17:12 + 5
You have in both examples somehow messed up the opening and closing tags. The forward slash - / - should be in the closing tag.
Vovka. Solver Rank  2020-04-29 17:44 + 1
Vovka. Solver Rank  2020-04-29 18:17 + 3
Sofia, outremeuse notesnote Lvu claws miss, Welt castino text Yak VI want sahovati pid spoiler ABO oformiti Yak quote, Vaughn guilty vidnitsa sinm colorem, axis so
tsogo after I press the button "quote" ABO "spoiler".
Kyiv  2020-04-30 13:15 + 2
"Do me Wisla thank you"
Kyiv  2020-04-30 13:16 + 2
Vovka. Solver Rank  2020-04-30 19:00 + 1
Se trovi una traduzione imprecisa o errata degli elementi dell'interfaccia del sito, segnalaci: @GrandGames
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