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Crossword an easy to solution without rebounds...

! #410636   2020-03-28 17:57
Crossword an easy to solution without rebounds, and problems. Drawing a clear. That child's toy, then the title matches the picture. And if the transport ship that can carry? It's more like a sports boat made by an inept craftsman.

Mi piace + 5     7
Lena2020  2020-03-28 19:08 + 4
ludmila-nadoelo, not my picture, from the Internet :)
Vovka. Solver Rank  2020-03-28 19:59 + 12
This Dinghy "Optimist"
Lena2020  2020-03-28 20:01 + 3
Lena2020  2020-03-28 20:04 + 3
Added to description :)
nettaly  2020-03-28 23:47 + 4
Vovka, thank you for your cooperation :)
ludmila-nadoelo  2020-03-29 15:54 + 4
This class of yachts even international class, but they were designed for self-built, they can make even a schoolboy
easy Solver Rank  2023-12-06 14:32 + 0
Что-то у меня без подбора в конце не получилось!))
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