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Decided in one breath.I liked it!

elen777 30
! #371762   2019-11-25 22:27
Decided in one breath.I liked it!!!Such crosswords are resting.Such pictures are very rare to come across.Portraits,cats,dogs, of course, also good,but they are somehow too,agree?good

Mi piace + 4     8
anikina 54  2019-11-25 22:30 + 2
elen777, thanks for the comment!!! good good good porukam
elen777 30  2019-11-25 22:58 + 1
Dear author!I would like to ask,and You don't compile crosswords,for example, an encrypted name?It would be much more interesting to unravel the picture with some "highlight" encrypted monogram or other final clue to the title,the topic?
anikina 54  2019-11-25 23:00 + 1
elen777, please show me an example of a picture. I did not understand You
nettaly 52  2019-11-25 23:09 + 3
"crossword puzzles,for example, with the encrypted name"

on the one hand, a Yak can carry intrigue, say "pet" - and the result is a bed :)
on the other, on the website there is a search engine and it focuses on the description of a Yak, i.e. in the above puzzle will be listed something like "furniture".
If you want to solve something mysterious of Jacob, look for the tag "rebus".
elen777 30  2019-11-26 14:04 + 1
Ребус- это ребус.С ним все понятно.А это другое немного.Пример показать не могу-я полный чайник в компе.Постараюсь объяснить-когда разгадаешь картинку-на ней присутствуют еще и пара букв(или одна) из названия(обычно начальная).Например ПЧ,а в названии можно указать количество букв в слове,допустим ,точками .... .......... Я разгадала кроссворд,нашла буквы, по ним и по полученному портрету поняла что это-Петр Чайковский-ПЧ!Пример,конечно,грубоват,но как-то так.Как работает поисковая система я,конечно не пойму, но темы остаются те же-персонажи,животные,космос.Просто такие кроссворды решать еще интересней,да и познавательно!Названия не знаешь,а буквы - как подсказка.А если еще и в цвете-шик!Да и вариантов написания самих букв-тьма!Думаю,в конце концов, можно сделать и отдельный раздел типа "ЯКугадайка"(только не смейтесь)
olenenok 51 Solver Rank  2019-11-26 14:30 + 2
The search engine works based on Tags , without them to find for example an actor or an athlete, a dog or a cat is impossible.
But guess we already have this section Any , there are no titles
nettaly 52  2019-11-26 15:39 + 3
If painted Pyotr Tchaikovsky, and the description must indicate who (briefly), because without a correctly filled row "Description and tags" then no YAK in the catalog you will not find neither the horse nor the driver nor the carriage house :)
elen777 30  2019-11-26 16:29 + 0
Yes,that's right,here's to them and add!By the way, this "additive" in monogramma't work very well!Just wanted to try this color,great Yaks.After all, it will add a little complexity to the puzzle.And if we add some one(something) as a bonus will do great!You can try another option:to Place in the crossword grid arbitrary number of open letters,but after the decision of the unshaded letters to write the word in the name or subject of the picture!I agree,it will make the process of compiling and solutions even more interesting!
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