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Thanks for the mini YAK!

Sakara Solver Rank
! #365984   2019-11-07 22:25
Thanks for the mini YAK! vverh it's Time to warm up, soon cold.

Remember: flying snowflakes.
Above me drifts.
Mittens... elastic
Not lost below.
So uncomfortable to run
In gravity one hundred odezhek.
In the boots lots of snow,
It bothers me too.
But I trudge up the hill
On an icy pathway.
Snow covered with a crust
Mittens on elastic band.

...Winter now.
Falling from the roof icicles.
you Know who we are?
- Boots -- Bareback.

(the Author Natalia Yurkevich)

Mi piace + 7     9
nettaly  2019-11-07 22:34 + 4
Oh, yeah, in the winter feel like cabbage ugar

true story:
slammed frost in winter, a friend was upset and went to work in his ski Balaclava. And he needed to go to the tax... Says that at the approach to the building was removed, and then may be misunderstood: the guy in the black jeans, a black jacket and a black mask, a decisive step in setting the tax...
SDFGHJ Solver Rank  2019-11-07 22:40 + 3
My childhood was such elasticpodmigsnow covered with a crust and drifts tall rememberpodmigGreat that there are such memories!goodkiss
Thanks,@Sakara,thanks to the wonderful poem remembered childhoodgoodporukamroseroserosedrinkssolncesnowsnowmanded
Sakara Solver Rank  2019-11-07 22:45 + 5
If he went to the Bank, just realized not right ignat
SDFGHJ Solver Rank  2019-11-07 23:11 + 4
So it's easy to fixpodmig,buy mittens,sew the elastic and Hello childhoodgoodkissAnd where you do not look now--hanging on the fence a lone mitten or glove and freezingtears,and her friend at home in the warmth and misses his girlfriendbad,and would be on the elasticpodmig,in zhist not lost would begood
Sakara Solver Rank  2019-11-07 23:44 + 5
@SDFGHJ, Oh, I'd kill that, and in the snow with some fun, and the slide ran about, Yes, I'm afraid I misunderstood ignatignatignat Thank You for the positive! And why in the childhood wanted to become an adult? And now I want to go back to childhood... at least for a day... podmig
NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2019-11-08 01:58 + 3
Lena2020  2019-11-08 06:34 + 3
Girls catching write, very much wanted... in childhood with mittensporukamvverhcvety
thanks to all ofcvetycvetycvety
nettaly  2019-11-08 10:54 + 2
Скоро зимние праздники, дом украшать будем, так что за ноябрь можно вышить несколько пар маленьких варежек и сделать из них гирлянду :)

Кстати, ещё одна реальная история. Родилось у знакомых дитё, а дело зимой было, вот я и решила варежки подарить! Нашла на рынке крохотные такие, как брелочки, связаны вместе довольно длинной верёвочкой. Чтобы подарок не потерялся, я повесила эту пуховую яркость себе на шею и пошла дальше по рынку... О, сколько комплиментов и вопросов было в тот день! От "Ах, какой милый кулон!" и до "О, новый тренд! Расскажите, а то я не в курсе..." party
Lena2020  2019-11-08 10:57 + 3
Se trovi una traduzione imprecisa o errata degli elementi dell'interfaccia del sito, segnalaci: @GrandGames
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