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Enciclopedia - Vukovarski vodotoranj

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Vukovarski vodotoranj (Planet Discovery #1228)   Aggiunto2022-01-02 23:25:29  
Possibilità di caduta0.000%   Apri sulla mappa 3657165 2334109 360780   AutoreSupport

Oggetti Usati 3657K   2334K   488K   370K  

milutin03 Online 57 Solver Rank
2022-01-03 02:12
Interesting choice of items for crafting this one.

Except bricks and few guns, military and peoples, all other have almost nothing in logical sense with tower in Vukovar.

Also, icon not look like tower in reality.

Mi piace + 4     2
milutin03 57 Solver Rank  2023-10-31 22:52 + 3
Icon is now entirely OK.
But when I craft this one, 10 Crown power was needed!
GingerMartian 51 Solver Rank  2023-11-01 00:32 + 2
The page seems to be gone now - I get a 404 error
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