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Enigma in linea «Slategray cat»

2018-11-12 00:00:00
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Slategray cat

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#cat   Aree in tinta unita: 14%


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kochuballa 30 Solver Rank
2018-11-12 21:13
On the hunt.goodgoodgoodgoodrose

Mi piace + 0     0
frezi282 35
2018-11-13 00:49
"I look Sad for our generation.
His future - or empty, or dark.
meanwhile , under the burden of knowledge and doubt.
In the omission of old it."
So Lermontov wrote the poet disgraced,
But all I fully agree with him
I also think it is sad
Lying soft ingot of gold.

Mi piace + 6     1
nettaly 52  2018-11-13 01:32 + 0
"Улегшись мягким слитком золотым"

Вот это о-образ! Полагаю, Михаил Юрьевич оценил бы cvety
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