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Enigma in linea «Morning for you»

2020-03-03 00:00:00

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Morning for you

Loading... Rompicapo Morning for you
#StillLife #breakfast #flower   Aree in tinta unita: 2%


Rompicapo «autumn comfort» Rompicapo «Two cups of cocoa» Rompicapo «A cup of tea» Rompicapo «coffee and rose» Rompicapo «Apples and chrysanthemums» Rompicapo «Biscotti and espresso» Rompicapo «Two cups of coffee» Rompicapo «Coffee and tulips» Rompicapo «Coffee and flowers» Rompicapo «A cup of tea» Rompicapo «A cup of tea» Rompicapo «In shades of gray»

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Nuovi puzzle

2020-03-04 22:32

Mi piace + 3     0
Spichenka Solver Rank
2020-03-06 01:20
..."Literally, after a few SIPS
And croissant a bite a piece
feel the Blessing of the Gods
And feelings lovely small shoots."...
Helen Gordon. kofee

Mi piace + 5     1
nettaly  2020-03-06 22:38 + 2
Thank you for such a lovely comment :)
Gather this croissant - will be a surprise ;)
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