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Enigma in linea «Who are you»

2020-03-04 00:00:00

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Who are you

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By Persis Clayton Weirs. #PersisClaytonWeirs   Aree in tinta unita: 6%


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mumof 42 Solver Rank
2020-03-05 00:32

Mi piace + 0     0
Kbcrf 48 Solver Rank
2020-03-05 15:20
Bought a kitten, a y my boyfriend is allergic.
Maybe I'll take who? He is pretty...
height 185, dark hair, no bad habits, works as a welder.

author unknown

Mi piace + 9     3
Vovka 32  2020-03-05 16:04 + 4
the Right choice, kitten eats less than a man 185 heightignat
nettaly 52  2020-03-05 16:31 + 3
True story.
a Friend asked him to the DR to give her a kitten - well, we have fulfilled the desire of the birthday boy! Then come to visit, to check on kitty, and happy GoToWebinar... covered in red spots and itches! Kapets. Fortunately, everything was kind of nervous reaction to stress, not allergies.
Kbcrf 48 Solver Rank  2020-03-05 16:50 + 3
Tara 33 Solver Rank
2020-03-05 16:22

Mi piace + 0     0
gal4844345 27
2020-03-08 23:14

Mi piace + 0     0
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