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Enigma in linea «Cheese and lamb»

2020-06-17 00:00:00

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Cheese and lamb

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2020-06-17 17:11
"I Love different cheeses to try!"

Now in the Carpathian mountains (Ukraine) are made of different cheeses, but the three main traditional is budz, vurda and cheese.


Budz - pretty solid, salty, smoked cheese with characteristic holes.

Vurda - soft cheese; it can be mixed with seasonings to obtain a paste for sandwiches.

Cheese is produced from Buja, rubbing it with salt and tamping in the container (e.g., barrels), where it Matures.

Mi piace + 5     1
Vovka. Solver Rank  2020-06-17 17:32 + 5
In my childhood I read a book about the Carpathian mountains, the Hutsuls, there was a mention about these cheesesgood a good book, can't remember what was the namewhat
Vovka. Solver Rank
2020-06-17 17:37
"I Love different cheeses to try!"
How about an Italian KAFU the manganese (casu marzu)? The cultural heritage of Sardinia, by the waygood

Mi piace + 5     3
SDFGHJ Solver Rank  2020-06-17 17:51 + 4
Prefer domestic producershands kiss Like the song says--" I do Not need the Turkish shore, and Africa I don't need..." whatpodmig
nettaly  2020-06-17 17:56 + 3
It is one that is made from Pecorino?
Curious and masters please under the spoiler...
Boris Maksimov: "Sickening food, which some consider a true delicacy"
(in particular, surstromming, which is permitted in the aircraft)
Vovka. Solver Rank  2020-06-17 18:02 + 2
He is the mostgood I decided that the details to anything.
Tara Solver Rank
2020-06-18 05:59

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