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Enigma in linea «Before the storm»

2020-06-12 00:00:00

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Before the storm

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Switzerland, Waldenburg. #Switzerland   Aree in tinta unita: 1%


Rompicapo «The sun and shadows» Rompicapo «Rural landscape» Rompicapo «The mountains and the road» Rompicapo «The Landscape Of Tuscany» Rompicapo «Connemara region» Rompicapo «forest blue» Rompicapo «Waterfall in the forest» Rompicapo «Green spaces» Rompicapo «The sky is overcast» Rompicapo «The Hills Of Switzerland» Rompicapo «And in front of the fog» Rompicapo «Evening»

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Nuovi puzzle

2020-06-12 12:25

Mi piace + 3     0
2020-06-13 22:39
As always work nettaly great , the theme works nettaly very diverse . Thank you nettaly for quality and cognition shots .

Mi piace + 4     1
nettaly  2020-06-13 23:07 + 3
Thanks for the feedback :) I Try! medal
I Invite to collect another puzzle of Switzerland:
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