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Enigma in linea «Owl Griffon»

2019-11-08 00:00:00

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Owl Griffon

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By Pixxus. #fantasy #animal #butterfly #branch #Pixxus   Aree in tinta unita: 9%


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nettaly 52
2019-11-09 00:21
Griffin (mythology) - winged "hybrid" with lion's body and eagle's head. Combining, thus, the power and earth, and air, have a contradictory character: there may be both in a positive and in a negative light.

Nemesis, the Greek goddess of retribution, travelled in a chariot drawn by griffins.

Experts believe that the creation of the image was influenced by the discoveries of the fossils - bones of protoceratops.

In the modern world is used as an architectural motif, and the coat of arms represents power, authority, vigilance, swiftness and power.

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2020-06-22 19:20

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