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Enigma in linea «The sky and the sea»

2020-07-18 00:00:00

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The sky and the sea

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Children-s Pool Beach in San Diego, California. #landscape #USA #America   Aree in tinta unita: 0%


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Vovka. Solver Rank
! #439127   2020-07-18 18:37
Children's Pool Beach is a small sandy beach located at 850 Coast Boulevard, at the end of the street Jenner street, San Diego , California, USA


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NATAKAPA Solver Rank  2020-07-18 19:51 + 4
As if the seals on the sand. But it's impossible?
Vovka. Solver Rank  2020-07-18 19:54 + 4
Yes, the seals live theregood and in the puzzle you can see the seals.
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2020-07-19 11:28
Thanks for scores and comments! :)

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