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Enigma in linea «Fractal»

2019-10-24 00:00:00

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#abstraction #pattern #fractal #colorful   Aree in tinta unita: 0%


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Kbcrf 48 Solver Rank
2019-10-25 12:16
Fractal image
On the leaves, sky and water
In any dimension there.
You beautiful in the world!

there is no Order and chaos,
Fractal them your struck.
love, unless no address
Indestructible ideal!

I Love all of you to cells,
To the smallest nanoscale.
Your image is visible in every branch.
only as a whole there would be.

Sergey Prilutsky

Mi piace + 4     2
nettaly 52  2019-10-25 12:23 + 3
Wow! The author has composed an ode in honor of cabbage romanesco? bozhe
Kbcrf 48 Solver Rank  2019-10-25 19:57 + 1
Yeah,it seems...zuby
nella 18
2019-10-28 10:54
Difficult but interestingvverhvverhhaha

Mi piace + 0     0
gst2580825 25
2019-11-15 14:31
A very beautiful fractal!cvetycvetycvety

Mi piace + 2     0
gst34366651 7
2019-11-15 14:58

Mi piace + 0     0
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