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Enigma in linea «Babochki na tsvetah»

2016-10-12 00:00:00

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Babochki na tsvetah

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#GregGiordano #painting #flowers #painted   Aree in tinta unita: 0%


Rompicapo «Colorful butterfly» Rompicapo «Butterfly» Rompicapo «Orange creating» Rompicapo «Butterflies on tulips» Rompicapo «Moth» Rompicapo «Butterfly on flower» Rompicapo «Moth on a flower» Rompicapo «kollazh11» Rompicapo «Fata morgana» Rompicapo «babochka 12» Rompicapo «Ozhivshie tsveti» Rompicapo «Fawn»

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Nuovi puzzle

2016-10-12 21:15
Бабочки красавицы!roseroseyahooyahooyahooyahooyahoo

Mi piace + 0     0
2016-10-12 22:24
Ярко! Красочно! Великолепно!rose

Mi piace + 1     0
2016-10-13 18:20

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2017-01-04 17:41

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Kbcrf Online Solver Rank
2018-10-09 14:18

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2019-02-18 02:54

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2020-09-30 08:43
Once the goddess of flowers Flora decided to make a gift to the gods - to create a flower that had no equal in the whole wide world. She took the best:

Mi piace + 0     0
2020-09-30 09:09
Once the goddess of flowers Flora wanted to make a gift to the gods - to create a flower that would have no equal in the whole world. To create it, she took the best that is on earth: the freshness of the early morning, the purity of a mountain stream, the crystal shine of dew, beauty and the fragrance of a blooming meadow. From all this, she created a flower of unspeakable beauty. The supreme god Zeus accepted the gift and was so amazed by its beauty that he could not resist and kissed the delicate petals. A miracle happened - the flower broke away from the stalk and flew. So butterflies appeared on earth. An ancient Greek legend claims

Mi piace + 8     3
nettaly  2020-09-30 10:16 + 3
read vverh
Vovka. Solver Rank  2020-09-30 13:43 + 7
Interestingly, when butterflies fall in love, do they feel people in their belly ...
ludmila-nadoelo  2020-09-30 15:07 + 6
They live so little that they are concerned about sex from the second day of their lives, they have no time to listen to who is tossing and turning in their stomachs, I think they do not have a candy-bouquet period in courtship
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