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Наука и Техника

Статьи и головоломки касающиеся науки, техники, космоса, научной фантастики и сопутствующих тем.
! #533818   2021-12-25 14:33
Today, between 15:20 and 15:50 Moscow time, one of the most significant events in the world of astronomy should take place.

After more than 20 years of development, an incredible amount of money spent and a lot of transfers, the launch of the James Webb Telescope is due.

If the launch and deployment of the telescope is successful, a huge number of astronomical discoveries of a new level await us.
Live broadcast:

# facts

Mi piace + 18     7
natali062013 Solver Rank  2021-12-25 15:08 + 12
Да. Я давно слежу. И сегодня его наконец-то запустят.
Memo  2021-12-25 15:18 + 9
Момент истины. 2 минуты до запуска :)
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