The power of the pen is incomparably stronger than people who have not had a chance to verify it by experience think.
Boccaccio Giovanni & nbsp; # quotes
Even if the people are wrong, the government will still be guilty.
Constant de Rebeck Benjamin Henri & nbsp; # quotes
Marriage is an avalanche that a boy and a girl bring down on their heads, reaching for a flower.
The George Bernard Show & nbsp; # quotes
When we manage to outwit others, they rarely seem to us as fools as we seem to ourselves when others manage to outwit us.
Fran?ois de La Rochefoucault & nbsp; # quotes
Those marching in one column do not necessarily head towards the same target.
Tshaskalski Wieslaw & nbsp; # quotes
To use a foreign word when there is a Russian word equivalent to it is to offend both common sense and common taste.
Belinsky Vissarion & nbsp; # quotes
I have always believed that every woman should be married, but no man should marry.
Disraeli Benjamin & nbsp; # quotes
Very few people, and only the most wonderful, are able to simply and frankly say: “I don’t know.”
Dmitry Pisarev & nbsp; # quotes