The locomotive is the first car moving on rails with a steam power plant. Was invented in the 18th century. Still a matter of debate who first invented the steam engine between the British and the Russians.The engine is constantly upgraded. In its construction have invested a lot of inventions and ideas, in order to increase the efficiency and safety, but nothing happened, the efficiency remained below 10%. The fuel used is coal, peat and even wood. Serviced by a team of 3 people - the driver, the assistant and the fireman. Crossword simple and easily solved. Thanks to the author
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2020-09-20 11:27
Mi piace 0 0
Per attivare la modalità blocco, tieni premuto il tasto CTRL e muovi il mouse mentre premi il tasto sinistro o destro. La finestra del cruciverba mostrerà una cornice con un riempimento traslucido. Dopo aver rilasciato il pulsante del mouse, tutte le celle su cui ricade la cornice verranno dipinte con il colore selezionato (o croci, se è stato premuto il tasto destro).
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