какая прелесть! обожаю этого персонажа.
интересный кроссворд, не трудный, но и не слишком простой, очень понравился!
Mi piace 1 0
2014-11-02 11:04
Приятный рисунок
Mi piace 0 0
2016-04-15 19:38
Ярко, красиво и легко!!
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2016-09-09 15:09
For Swford and all English-speaking users: he is a character from the series of cartoons "Котёнок по имени Гав" (A kitten named Woof) based on stories of Grigoriy Oster (a Russian writer, born 1947). He has a "doggy" name (Гав = Woof, Ruff, Arf, Au-au, Bow-wow) and funny nature (when he was told that troubles are waiting for him, the kitten decided to meet them, because it's impolite to make them wait!)
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Per attivare la modalità blocco, tieni premuto il tasto CTRL e muovi il mouse mentre premi il tasto sinistro o destro. La finestra del cruciverba mostrerà una cornice con un riempimento traslucido. Dopo aver rilasciato il pulsante del mouse, tutte le celle su cui ricade la cornice verranno dipinte con il colore selezionato (o croci, se è stato premuto il tasto destro).
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